Wallet Colour According To Date Of Birth And Vastu

For many people, their wallet colour corresponds with the date of their birth. There are many different colours that wallets can come in according to the date of birth. Some people say that this is a sign of your personality, while others believe that it's just a fashion choice. in this article, we suggest which is the best Wallet colour according to date of birth and as per Vastu.

Why do people choose a certain Wallet colour according to date of birth?

According to a study conducted by WalletHub, people born on certain dates tend to prefer different wallet colours. The study’s author says that this might be because different colours represent different emotions for people born on these particular dates.

People believe that certain colours help us remember important dates or events in our lives. For some people, it may be a symbol of their personal identity. For others, it may represent something significant from their past.

it could be an indication of what they hope to achieve in the future. There is a number of reasons why someone might choose a certain wallet colour according to date of birth.

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Wallet colour according to date of birth

If you are born under any of these zodiac signs, then which colour is lucky for you, its information is given below.

Aries (मेष) Birthdate between Mar 21 - Apr 19 - Red, Yellow, Pink, And Saffron Colors

Taurus (वृषभ) Birthdate between Apr 20 - May 20 -White, Green, Or Silver Color

Gemini (मिथुन ) Birthdate between May 21 - Jun 21– Green, Blue And Purple Colors

Cancer (सिंह) Birthdate between Jun 22 - Jul 22 –White, Pink, Red

Leo (कर्क) Birthdate between Jul 23 - Aug 22 – Red, Pink, Yellow, And White Colors

Virgo (कन्या) Birthdate between Aug 23 - Sep 22 –Dark Green, Parrot Green, Blue, Purple, And Yellow Colour

Libra (तुला) Birthdate between Sep 23 - Oct 23 White, Pink, Or Light Colour

Scorpio (वृश्चिक) Birthdate between Oct 24 - Nov 21 –Red, Pink, and White Colour

Sagittarius (धनु) Birthdate between Nov 22 - Dec 21 – Yellow, Red, and Pink Colour

Capricorn (मकर) Birthdate between Dec 22 - Jan 19 –Blue, Black And White Color

Aquarius (कुम्भ) Birthdate between Jan 20 - Feb 18 – Black, Blue, Green, And White Colors

Pisces (मीन) Birthdate between Feb 19 - Mar 20– Yellow, Saffron, Red, White, And Pink Colour

Wallet colour importance in Vastu?

According to Vastu experts, there are many beliefs and customs surrounding the use of colour in Vastu. Wallet colour is one such aspect that is often taken into account. Wallet colour can be indicative of a person's character, and it can also affect their luck.

According to some beliefs, red signifies fertility, black represents power and control, and green symbolizes money. Some believe that different colours can have different effects on one's fortune. For example, carrying a white wallet may help you make more money, while carrying a blue or yellow wallet may improve your chances of winning at gambling.

When it comes to Vastu, many people believe that the colour Wallet colour as per Vastu is important. Wallet colour can be used as a sign or symbol for your personality. The following are 8 reasons why the colour of your wallet matters:

1) Wallet colour can help you to identify yourself

2) Your wallet colour can set the tone for your day.

3) It can help you to remember important things.

4) It can increase your personal power.

5) It can support your positive energy.

6) It can help you attract good luck and fortune.

7) It can improve your relationships.

8) It can help you to feel more positive

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What does Wallet colour as per Vastu represent?

According to traditional Indian architecture, the colour of your wallet can have a significant impact on your health and wealth. Below are 10 different wallet colours and their associated benefits:

1) Green colour is considered to be auspicious because it is associated with fertility and growth. It is also said to help protect you from negative energy and bring good luck.

2) Brown colour signifies strength and stability. It is said to encourage financial abundance and protect you from financial risks.

3) Gray colour is considered neutral, which means it has no specific associations with any particularreligion or culture. It is believed to be protective against bad luck and give you psychological stability.

4) Pink colour is associated with love, happiness, and joy.

5) Purple This colour is associated with wisdom, power, and royalty.

6) Blue This colour is associated with loyalty, trust, and peace.

7) Yellow This colour is associated with happiness and joy.

8) Orange This colour is associated with creativity and happiness.

9) Green This colour is associated with vitality, growth and health.

10) White This is the traditional colour of purity and innocence.

Also Read:  Best Colour Combination for Bedroom According to Vastu


In conclusion, it is interesting to know what colour your wallet will be according to the date of your birth. If you are born with a certain colour, make sure to always carry that colour around with you! Maybe even add it to your daily routine and see what happens or talk to our best astrologer about it, who knows, maybe it will help you manifest those things you desire in life!


Which colour wallet is lucky in astrology?

some people believe that a green wallet is lucky in astrology because green is associated with money, prosperity, and fertility. Other people believe that any colour wallet can be lucky in astrology, depending on the person's individual beliefs and preferences.

What wallet colour is the luckiest?

According to the date of birth and on special occasions, three colors are considered lucky for humans, red, yellow, and green.

Is Red wallet good luck?

Yes, Red for good luck and protection.

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