Lakshmi Mantra Benefits, Significance & Chanting Method

Lakshmi Mantra Benefits

To make the goddess of wealth, Goddess Lakshmi, happy, Hindu scriptures explain the importance of chanting mantras. By chanting different mantras dedicated to the goddess, people can attract financial gains and successfully accomplish their tasks with her continuous blessings.

Goddess Lakshmi, who is associated with Lord Vishnu, is believed to be the provider of wealth, prosperity, and beauty. Fridays hold a special significance for her, and it is recommended to observe fasting and worship Vaibhav Lakshmi on this day. This practice brings happiness and prosperity into one's life, and it is believed that regular fasting on Fridays prevents financial difficulties.

By worshipping Goddess Lakshmi sincerely, people can experience an increase in wealth and a sense of happiness and prosperity in their homes. Now, let's explore some mantras that, when chanted, please Goddess Lakshmi and fulfil the wishes of her devotees.

Lakshmi Beej Mantra

Beej mantras are special mantras that are considered very powerful. They are like the basic building blocks from which all other mantras of a particular deity are formed. The Lakshmi Beej Mantra, in particular, is known for its raw power. It is filled with energy and enthusiasm and can grant great strength.

The Lakshmi Beej Mantra 

|| ॐ श्रीं श्रीये नम ||
|| Om Shring Shriye Namah ||

Meaning of Lakshmi Beej Mantra

"Aum" is a universal vibration that resonates throughout the cosmos and serves as a spiritual pathway to connect with the divine. The beej mantra is believed to be the fundamental mantra from which all other mantras of a specific deity stem. The beej mantra for Goddess Lakshmi is the word "Shreem." By repeating this mantra, one can invite good fortune, abundance, and wisdom into their life.In this mantra, the goddess is addressed as "Shri," which signifies reverence and devotion, meaning "Goddess Shri, I bow before you."

Lakshmi Beej Mantra Benefits

  • The Lakshmi Beej Mantra has a significant amount of meditative energy. It is an ideal mantra for those who wish to engage in Lakshmi-centred meditation.
  • Chanting of Lakshmi Beej Mantra can fill the practitioner with energy and help in dispelling negative energy.
  • Additionally, if one repeats and chants the mantra, it can infuse vitality into dull businesses and attract immense fortune.
  • For individuals desiring to feel more empowered and overcome lethargy, the Lakshmi Beej Mantra is highly suitable.
  • Another Lakshmi Beej Mantra benefit is it can enhance intelligence and improve memory abilities.

How to Chant the Lakshmi Beej Mantra

  • Before chanting the mantra it is advised to take a bath. Offering rose or lotus petals at the deity's feet before beginning can be a beneficial practice.
  • To chant the Lakshmi Beej Mantra, it is recommended to chant it 108 times using Kamalgatta or Sphatik rosary beads.
  • If you desire lesser wealth, you should chant the mantra for three consecutive days, while if you desire greater wealth, it should be chanted 108x3 in a single day.
  • Having the deity's idol in front of you can help focus on the mantra.
  • It is important to pronounce the mantra correctly. The place where the chanting takes place should be kept clean and tidy. 

Mahalakshmi Mantra

The Mahalakshmi Mantra calls upon the most powerful aspect of the goddess Lakshmi. It is a prayer to the mighty Lakshmi who can remove poverty and despair from the lives of her devotees.

The Mahalakshmi Mantra:

|| Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto, Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah |
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati Na Sanshayah Om ||

|| ॐ सर्वाबाधा विनिर्मुक्तो, धन धान्यः सुतान्वितः।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः ॐ ||

Meaning of Mahalakshmi Mantra

In simpler words, reciting the Mahalakshmi Mantra is a way to pray to Goddess Lakshmi. We ask her to remove any negative influences around us and bless us with a future that is full of prosperity and brightness.

How to Chant the Mahalakshmi Mantra

  • It is important to take a bath before starting the chant. Before beginning, offer rose or lotus petals at the feet of the deity as a gesture of devotion.
  • To chant the Mantra, it is recommended to repeat it 108 times, preferably in one continuous session.
  • Kamalgatta or Sphatik rosary beads are the preferred choices for worshipping Goddess Lakshmi. It can be helpful to have a goddess idol in front of you to aid in focusing on the Mantra.
  • Ensure that you pronounce the Mantra correctly.
  • Keep the place where you chant clean, as Goddess Lakshmi dislikes untidy environments. 

Gajalakshmi Mantra

Reciting the Gajalakshmi Mantra can be beneficial in enhancing the flow of money, reducing losses, and improving one's financial situation. It is considered a potent mantra for overcoming financial difficulties. Gajalakshmi represents the prosperous aspect of the goddess Lakshmi, who is believed to bestow wealth in the form of cattle and livestock. She is one among the eight manifestations of Lakshmi.

The Gajalakshmi Mantra:

|| ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं गजलक्ष्म्यै नमः ||
|| Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Gajalakshmaye Namah ||

Elephants are widely regarded as symbols of great wealth and prosperity. In the concept of Gajalakshmi, she is depicted in a position where elephants, who are associated with bringing wealth, worship her. In return, she bestows the same wealth upon her devotees.

Benefits of chanting Gajalakshmi Mantra

  • The Gajalakshmi Mantra is known to help people overcome poverty and financial problems. By chanting this mantra, one can attract wealth and money.
  • Before beginning a new task, chanting and reciting the Gajalakshmi Mantra brings harmony and invites the blessings of the goddess Lakshmi.
  • Many believe that chanting the mantra for 16 days can help alleviate poverty.
  • Reciting the Gajalakshmi Mantra brings blessings to all positive endeavours.
  • When someone is about to face a challenging or significant task, reciting the Gajalakshmi Mantra can bring great fortune and blessings.

How to Recite Gajalakshmi Mantra

  • To experience the benefits of the Gajalakshmi Mantra, it is recommended to chant it for 16 consecutive days.
  • It is important to keep your house clean and free from clutter during this period. Remove any unnecessary items from your home.
  • Install a painting or photograph of Gajalakshmi in your puja room as a symbol of devotion.
  • On one of the 16 days, perform Annadanam, which is the act of donating food to the needy.
  • Plant a sapling of a fruit-bearing tree and take care of it as a way to honour the mantra.
  • Additionally, during any four days of the 16-day chanting, prepare prasad (sacred offering) using wheat.

Also Read: Mahamrityunjay Mantra Benefits And How To Chant

Overall Benefits of Lakshmi Mantras

Lakshmi Mantras are devoted to the kind-hearted goddess Lakshmi and offer various benefits. Here are some important Lakshmi Mantra Benefits.

  • Reciting these mantras pleases the goddess and brings her happiness, which in turn brings great advantages to the devotee.
  • By chanting Lakshmi Mantras daily, one can attract abundant wealth. The blessings of the goddess manifest as prosperity, and she bestows her favour upon those who chant the mantras.
  • A place where Lakshmi Mantras are recited regularly never falls into despair or poverty. The goddess resides where she feels welcomed and brings immense prosperity with her.
  • It is believed that offices and businesses become more profitable when Lakshmi mantras are chanted.
  • Lakshmi Mantras assist individuals in getting closer to their goals and achieving success more quickly. The repetition of Lakshmi Mantras accelerates knowledge acquisition and encourages learning.
  • Moreover, chanting Lakshmi Mantras can aid in overcoming financial debts. If someone is burdened by loans, reciting these mantras can help them free themselves from such obligations.


In conclusion, the Lakshmi Mantra is very important both spiritually and practically. When you chant these mantras with faith and honesty, you can ask for blessings from the kind goddess Lakshmi. Chanting these mantras not only makes the goddess happy, but it also brings wealth, prosperity, and success into your life. People believe that if you regularly chant Lakshmi Mantras, it can create a positive and prosperous atmosphere that helps both individuals and businesses. These mantras are also linked to gaining knowledge, personal growth, and overcoming financial difficulties. If you want to learn more about Lakshmi Mantra, you can talk to our astrologers. They can give you helpful advice and support that suits your specific needs and situation.

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