Most Important Factors Responsible For Job Change In Astrology

Job Change In Astrology

Switching jobs or careers has always caused stress or disruption in people's lives. Sometimes you can choose to embrace this change or transfer, but most of the time it is unavoidable. Astrology can use various astrological factors to predict job changes or transfers. Whether a job change is beneficial or not depends on a person's astrological combinations for their profession. People always hope for better opportunities when changing jobs, but things don't always go as planned. Let's discover how astrology can predict or indicate job changes or transfers in your life.

Planets responsible for job change in Kundali

In Kundali, there are certain planets that can affect job changes. These planets are Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury. Let's understand how they influence our careers and profession.

Saturn: Saturn is known as the planet of hard work, discipline, and perseverance. It is also associated with our career and profession. If Saturn is placed in the 10th house or has connections with other planets, it can indicate changes in our job or advancements in our careers. However, if Saturn is weak or affected by negative influences, it may cause delays or obstacles in our career growth.

Jupiter: Jupiter is the planet of growth, development, and being smart.. It represents knowledge, spirituality, and higher learning. If Jupiter is placed in the 10th house or has connections with other planets, it can indicate career advancements, promotions, or job changes. When Jupiter is strong and well-positioned, it can bring good luck and success in our careers.

Mercury: Mercury represents communication, intelligence, and logical thinking. It is also linked to commerce, trade and business.If Mercury is placed in the 10th house or has connections with other planets, it can indicate job changes or advancements in communication, writing, or business fields. If Mercury is strong and in a good position then you can be successful in these fields.

Apart from these three planets, the Moon and Mars can also impact our careers and professions. The Moon represents emotions, instincts, and creativity. If the Moon is in the 10th house or is linked to other planets, it can be a sign of success in artistic fields or jobs that involve caring for people's feelings and needs.

Mars represents energy, courage, and action. If Mars is placed in the 10th house or has connections with other planets, it can indicate success in fields related to sports, engineering, or the military.

Houses responsible for job change in Kundali

In Kundali, there are certain houses that can affect job changes. These houses are the 6th, 10th, and 11th houses. Let's understand how they influence our career and profession:

6th House: The 6th house represents our daily work routine, service, and job-related stress. It is also a symbol of competition and enemies at work.

If planets are in the 6th house or are connected to other planets, it can mean job changes or improvements in the service, health, and wellness fields. A strong 6th house can bring success in these areas.

10th House: The 10th house is the most important house for career and profession. It represents our reputation, status, and authority. If planets are placed in the 10th house or have connections with other planets, it can indicate job changes or career advancements. A strong and well-placed 10th house can bring success and recognition to our career.

11th House: The 11th house represents our income, networking, and aspirations. It also reflects our hopes and dreams. If planets are in the 11th house or are connected to other planets, it can mean that you will change jobs or move up in your career in the networking, social media, or technology fields. A strong 11th house can bring financial gains and success in these areas.

Apart from these three houses, the 2nd and 9th houses can also impact our career and profession. The 2nd house represents our wealth, resources, and family values. Its placement in the birth chart or its connections with other planets can indicate financial stability and success in our careers. 

The 9th house represents higher learning, philosophy, and spirituality.Its position in the birth chart or how it connects to other planets can show how successful someone will be in teaching, law, or religion.

Auspicious Dasha for job change in astrology

In Vedic astrology, there are certain periods called Dasha that can indicate important events and changes in our lives, including job changes. 

Here are the Dasha periods that can be favorable for a job change:

Jupiter Mahadasha: Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and wisdom. If Jupiter is strong and positioned well in our birth chart, its Mahadasha (period) can bring job opportunities and career growth. This period can also indicate opportunities in fields like teaching, law, and spirituality.

Saturn Mahadasha: Saturn is associated with discipline, hard work, and long-term stability. If Saturn is strong and well placed in our birth chart, its Mahadasha can bring work growth and stable job opportunities. This period can also indicate opportunities in fields like engineering, construction, and administration.

Mercury Mahadasha: Mercury represents communication, intellect, and adaptability.​​If Mercury is strong and positioned well in our birth chart, its Mahadasha can bring job opportunities in fields related to communication, commerce, and technology. This period can also indicate opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Venus Mahadasha: Venus is associated with creativity, luxury, and charm. If Venus is strong and positioned well in our birth chart, its Mahadasha can bring opportunities for career growth in fields related to arts, fashion, and beauty. This period can also indicate opportunities in hospitality, entertainment, and diplomacy.

It's important to note that the effects of these Dasha periods can vary based on individual birth charts and other planetary influences. Consulting with a professional astrologer can provide a more accurate analysis of specific job change predictions.

Also Read: Planetary And House Combinations For Foreign Settlement Astrology

Combinations of house and planet for a recurring job change

In Kundali, there are specific combinations of planets and houses that can indicate recurring job changes or instability in a career. Let's explore these combinations:

Weak 10th House: If the 10th house, which represents reputation, status, and authority, is weak or afflicted, it can suggest difficulties in finding a stable career path or achieving success in one's profession.

Malefic Planets in the 10th House: When malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, or Rahu are placed in the 10th house or have challenging aspects with other planets, it can indicate job changes or career instability. These planets may bring obstacles, delays, or challenges to career growth.

Afflicted Sun: The Sun represents career and profession. If the Sun is weak or afflicted, it can lead to difficulties in one's career and job changes. An afflicted Sun may result in challenges in achieving recognition and success in a chosen career.

Afflicted Moon: The Moon is a symbol of feelings, instincts, and imagination.If the Moon is weak or afflicted, it can lead to difficulties in finding job satisfaction and stability. An afflicted Moon may cause emotional instability and restlessness in a career.

Conjunction of Malefic Mars and Saturn: When Mars and Saturn are conjunct, it can indicate job changes or instability in a career. This combination of planets can make it hard to move up in your job and cause delays and problems. It may also suggest conflicts with authority figures or difficulties in achieving career success.

Weak Venus: Venus represents creativity, luxury, and charm. If Venus is weak or afflicted, it can result in difficulties in finding job satisfaction and stability. A weak Venus may also bring challenges in fields related to arts, beauty, and fashion.

It's important to note that these interpretations are based on astrological beliefs and individual birth charts can vary. Consulting with a professional astrologer can provide a more accurate analysis of specific career predictions.

Timing Job Change In Astrology?

If Jupiter and Saturn are both moving through the third, sixth, or twelfth house from the lagna or moon, there is a good chance of a shift.

The 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th house lords may change jobs during their Dasha times.

During the time when the Lords of the 3rd, 10th, and 12th houses are all in dasha, the native will have to move.

When Rahu and Ketu move through the 7th or 10th house, a person also changes jobs.

If the individual is in a favorable Dasha period and the Dasha ruler is transiting the 2nd, 6th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house, they will experience positive outcomes.

When Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously transit the same houses during the Dasha period of beneficial planets, the person receives a promotion at work.


In conclusion, astrology can give you information about possible job changes and career shifts. Astrologers can give helpful advice about job changes, periods of stability, and possible career advances by looking at the positions of the planets and how they affect the different houses in a person's birth chart. Things like the strength or weakness of important planets, the state of important houses, and the timing of certain Dasha periods all affect the possibilities and results of job changes. If you want to use astrology to find out about your own work prospects and possible job changes, talk with our experienced astrologer who can give you personalized advice based on your unique birth chart and circumstances.

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