Ankit Sen


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Professions: Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu consultant

Spoken Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali

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Ankit Sen belongs to a middle class Bengali family.He is a Final year Graduation Student from Calcutta University in Bcom Hons.He wants to be a businessman like his father but on the other side he also has a keen interest on Astrology.Since class 7 he had interest on this subject and he research studied on his own and became a well renowned astrologer and one of the best astrologer in Kolkata. He is the founder of "Akhanda Kundli".His way of accurate and unbelievable prediction,explaination to his clients and his soft behavior made him to reach a huge amount of clients in just a few years.He likes this profession and he still focused on research on several other things of Astrology. So if you want a serious,genuine and a kind humble person then you can surely contact Astrologer Ankit Sen -"Akhanda Kundli" a Facebook page and google registered.